How to invest in more diversity and inclusion in organizations?

Diversity and inclusion in organizations are very positive factors for companies of all sizes and segments. This is because employees who are People with Disabilities (ADA) are able to bring contributions to the company, not only in the technical field but also in what guides human training, contributing to various spheres of the corporate segment, including the organizational climate.

Nowadays, when the question is to select different employee profiles, it is necessary to guarantee representativeness for the company, with candidates compatible with the workforce and the diversity of the population. Thus, having a team with different cultures, thoughts, ethnicities, and opinions, as well as physical characteristics, makes it possible for the organization to be more democratic.

In this text, we have separated for you some tips on how to invest in more diversity and inclusion in organizations. Follow us!

How to do inclusion in the company?

More important than just hiring professional ADAs as a form of compliance with the Law of Quotas, it is necessary to effectively include the inclusion of these professionals in the organization, fitting them into functions that are adherent to their professional profiles. To do so, it is important to have adequate resources so that these special collaborators can be as productive as the other team members.

In this sense, the suitability of the environments to the accessibility needs is indispensable, being an important step to ensure the work in a broad way. This is because the ADAs need independence to carry out their activities.

The process of including ADAs in the organization requires special attention so that the adaptation is effective.

The role of the company

For the organization to adhere to diversity and inclusion, it is important to integrate ADAs into the corporate environment. This is because, like any other employee, he needs to have the feeling of belonging to the company for which he works, being aware of the value of his function.

An important taboo that needs to be broken in this sense is that of prejudice, which is a reflection of the lack of information. Applying actions that encourage the breakdown of this barrier in all members of the organization is a Human Resources area, which must be a reference for human issues in the company.

For this, it is also important to count on the support of the top management of the company and, of course, the other employees.

Is it possible to follow an inclusive recruitment model?

It is possible to ensure diversity and inclusion in organizations through inclusive recruitment, and for this, a few steps can be taken to accomplish this task.

Do not generalize

It is important to consider that each special need encompasses human beings with different characteristics and needs. Therefore, generalizing all the candidates is a big misconception.

To begin a selective inclusion process, try to find concrete data on what the necessary adaptations are for each candidate. You can do benchmarking, which is the study of actions applied in other companies or talk with people with disabilities to make a selection process based on empathy and respect.

To ensure inclusion, talk to healthcare professionals, asking for references about possible adaptations and adjustments in your selection process. With this information, you can organize and plan the steps by valuing the inclusion.

Talk frankly with the candidate

It is important to know, at the time of the interview, what are the necessary adaptations for the candidate’s effectiveness. Ask about the needs related to the physical space of work, if it will be necessary for the participation of a companion or other suitability.

From this survey, see if the company can meet these needs and turn the work environment into a warm and friendly place to receive the professional ADA.

Treat differences naturally

During the selection process, you will inevitably need to ask some questions regarding the candidate’s disability. It is important to make clear what the organization expects of it and the activities attributed to the function. Survey the candidate’s previous professional experiences and ask questions naturally.

An issue that can also be raised is the way in which the candidate coexists with disability in their daily lives and how autonomous they are. Highlight issues that really can interfere with open job routines.

Improving accessibility and adaptation

To invest in diversity and inclusion in organizations, the company necessarily needs to invest in accessibility. Although it requires an investment of financial resources and energy at first, the organization will be more prepared to receive people with special needs.

In this way, all actions that are planned will be more accessible to all, valuing the company’s image as an inclusive organization.

In addition, the American law requires companies to be able to receive all persons with disabilities. Ignoring this regulation leads to the generation of fines, processes, as well as disfavor the image of the company in front of its customers, employees, suppliers and the community.


It is hardly possible for a company to include diversity without making investments, especially for accessibility. In order to solve these issues, it is necessary to prepare HR professionals, conduct internal research and create a plan of action. All these processes require investments.

There is a stark contrast: many organizations claim to be committed to diversity and inclusion, but reserve little of their budget for this purpose. As a consequence, inclusion attempts are frustrated (for both companies and professionals).

To prevent this from happening, it is important to study, research very well the ways to include ADAs and keep in mind that the success of this process requires constant monitoring and even maintenance.

It is important to note that, in addition to hiring people with special needs, it is necessary to be prepared to develop and retain these professionals. For this, the awareness of the entire team, with constant training and approaches on the subject, is also fundamental for the company’s inclusive path.

Finally, we must be aware that a policy of diversity and inclusion in organizations works only if everyone is involved in this important mission. That’s because the best results come when the entire organization is embedded in the context of diversity, and each team member is aware of their contribution.

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