Know why giving feedback is important in the selection process

Increasingly companies are realizing the need to perform bold recruitment in order to win the best talent to the organization. Despite the constant improvement that HR managers have pursued at all stages, feedback in the selection process is still somewhat overlooked.

It is common to claim candidates who even come to the last interviews, but in the final moments are watching ships. While this return of the recruiters’ impressions on candidates takes time, providing feedback is of utmost importance to the candidate. It also reflects that the company considers the people with whom it has contact.

As the feedback in the selective process can comprise an institutional communication strategy, in this post, we demonstrate how this return to the candidates reflects on the image of the organization. We also explain some good reasons for you to be present in the steps of the recruitment and selection processes of your company. Follow the next lines!

Why do candidates expect feedback in the selection process?

If you’ve ever taken part in any selective process in life, you know what it’s like to go unanswered. Especially if it has been filed in the last stages and does not know the reason, there remains a feeling of emptiness and the question “where did I go wrong?” Hammers the thoughts.

At each stage of the selective processes, the candidate funnel is narrowing and the anxiety increases. It creates an expectation in those who plead the wave and they begin to construct an image about the organization.

Just as communication with company audiences must be consistent for good business conduct, feedback in the selective process also outlines the organizational culture and suggests how much the company cares about people.

Although the performance or profile of the candidate is not what is expected to fill that position, emphasizing their strengths and what needs to be improved is important for their professional growth.

This constructive criticism can even allow the specialist to reflect on his professional abilities and opens the door to the increase of his qualification.

It can be said that feedback in the selection process constitutes a brand new source of information for the candidate, especially if he is in search of professional relocation. This return allows him to meet challenging points and prepare to face other selections with greater prominence and safety.

Obviously, with a large volume of candidates, it is impossible to provide feedback in an individualized way. However, even with a dense number of entries, it is interesting to have at least some assurance of response – albeit automatically, through the digital resources available to the HR industry.

It seems trivial what we are going to say, but giving back to the candidates is a matter of respect. After all, the candidate spent his time getting involved with the organization. Although he is not fit to go through the selection stages, feedback from recruiters tightens the bonds with these people and creates empathy for them.

What good reasons does the company give in feedback to candidates?

Not only do candidates benefit from feedback in the selection process, this can be an important tool for the company to bring the bonds of the most interesting talents closer together. See now 4 good reasons for the organization to give this return to those who are running for the vacancies:

Refine the selection process

Feedback to candidates also generates responses that your organization needs to consider in order to improve the tools and strategies used in the process and recruitment and selection.

Try to hear what the candidates have to say about the format of the selection, tests and dynamics applied, the type of questions asked, among other things. They is important information to evaluate if the methodology is pleasing to the candidates and allows that they present a performance commensurate with their professional capacity.

Improving institutional image

As we have said, feedback contribute to creating a sense of empathy for your company.

When an organization is not in the habit of giving feedback to the candidates, there is a great chance to face the professional devaluation, and the company earns the “fame” of not caring about candidates.

Especially in social networks, where there are several communities of professionals, this type of information can hurt the institutional image and discourage talents. The opposite is also true: the company can be well-regarded and attract professionals of interest to the organization.

Maintain a quality connection with candidates of interest

The more the candidates taper, the greater the talents weight. Therefore, it is interesting that your company keep in touch with them, even in the impossibility of hiring them immediately.

Feedback in the selection process also helps in that sense, as the organization manages to maintain a quality connection with these key candidates and has “cards up its sleeve” in case of the need for specific or immediate hiring.

Generates free marketing

Feedback also generate spontaneous marketing. The well-known “word of mouth” gains more voice, especially through the internet and carry the message that your company cares about people, being an attractive place to work.

With this, the image of the company is naturally high, without burden with communication campaigns, and influential talents in the business may wish to integrate their team.

How to make feedback in the selection process?

In order for your feedback to be consistent and well received by the candidates, we separate some essential tips. Check out:

Be good and be true

A key point for feedback is respect for the candidate. Do not gild the pill, but do not be rude either. Even if the candidate did not do as desired, be good. After all, there’s the voice of the company.

Exalt the qualities before the criticisms

Do not intimidate the candidate by going straight to the point in the case of a disapproval. The fact that he does not meet certain requirements does not mean that he does not have any good points to offer. Then, begin the devolutive exalting the qualities identified in the professional to only then comment on what should be improved.

Invite to other selections

The fact that a candidate does not match the profile of the vacancy in question does not mean that he is not able to participate in other selection processes. Therefore, keep the company’s doors open and invite them to participate in other selections, since the professional certainly has much to offer.

Investing in the quality of feedback in the selection process is one of the strategies to ensure that the best talent has the interest of working in your organization with such a busy market and with such professional volatility. In this sense, never neglect this stage of recruitment and integrate it into your recruitment strategies.

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