How to do resumes screening effectively?

With the scarcity of jobs and such a large stakeholder demand, selecting a professional becomes an increasingly difficult task for the Human Resources sector, where companies seek talent with organizational culture and more strategic HR professionals decision-making.

To begin this journey, the first step is an efficient curriculum triage that meets the requirements of the area manager in conjunction with the needs of the organization, in which all professionals who have applied to occupy a position will be analyzed in a preliminary manner.

This is a necessary task because it would be unfeasible to delve deeper into all competitors. Above all, many do not fulfill basic requirements to act in the position they claim.

As the selection process needs to be dynamic and as effective as possible, it is critical to carry out an initial identification step. As a result, efforts can be focused on who, in fact, has a chance to fill the vacancy.

In this content, we will present steps to be taken for efficient curriculum screening and how to optimize it through the right tools, making this phase less operational, more dynamic and productive. Do not miss this reading!

Apply the technology in steps

The market has been changing and this has generated diverse impacts, going even to the reality of the enterprises. One of the relevant issues in this regard is the use of technology, which has been growing and developing over the years.

In screening resumes, this is no different. It is now feasible and highly recommended to use such features to speed up the process and make it much more effective.

It is the case of resorting to platform solutions, for example. With this choice, HR will be favored with the automation of tasks, data documentation and the use of varied resources.

In addition, information can be easily accessed from anywhere, which also contributes to the dynamism and agility of the process.

Centralize information

The disclosure of a position to be occupied, more than ever, can happen in several places. It can occur both face-to-face and online, including on social networks. With this, curricula will emerge from diverse sources, in varied flows.

Without visibility on these issues, it is difficult to analyze the candidates in a really efficient way. In addition, data spraying can lead to rework, as when more than one person reviews the same set of resumes.

Therefore, the ideal is to centralize the information. Look for tools that help make the process unified by ensuring that no data is overlooked at this important time.

Investing in a system that turns curriculum screening into a positive experience for all involved promotes HR team engagement and enhances the candidate’s experience in the selection process, as an online platform centralizes the application, offering an equal opportunity with impartiality.

Invest in team communication

Depending on the position advertised, the number of resumes that reach the company can be very large. If this is the case, you must join efforts to select the most appropriate.

In this sense, team communication makes the difference to get better results. With the exchange of information, the team can find the ideal candidates, and the analysis is accelerated.

For this to be possible, technology in recruitment comes in handy again. Thanks to the platform, for example, everyone will have visibility into what is happening. In this way, the reduction of the time spent in this initial phase becomes feasible.

Set the parameters for curriculum sorting

This step is directly related to the choice of who is suitable for a position and who is not. Therefore, it is fundamental to establish parameters that will be used for the analysis. These criteria must be pre-determined prior to the announcement of the vacancy by the area leader along with HR, responsible for defining the requirements required for hiring.

These premises equalize and guide the action, bringing an objective approach. In addition, it is a way of prioritizing certain elements, ensuring that the process is virtually automatic.

To better understand, imagine a position that requires certain prior experience or specific knowledge. Thus, these can be considered the two fundamental parameters for the triage, defining that all the choices must meet, at least, those requirements.

The prioritization, in turn, must be made from the most comprehensive criterion for the specific. Thus, it is possible to guarantee a very efficient performance. It is also the case to pay more attention to wrinkles or better writing, for example.

Start with the exclusion criteria

The definition of the parameters, including, has to do with the exclusion action. Basically, sorting out resumes means eliminating several applicants, making the requirement increasing in order to find the right person.

Therefore, the ideal is to start with eliminatory criteria. If fluency in a language is the priority aspect, all curricula below the desired level should be discarded. The same goes for experience, time to market, specializations, and so on.

This is a way to remove, right away, who has nothing to do with the chance offered. With this, it is possible to better employ the time with those who really have the possibility to occupy the position as expected.

Recruitment software is capable of performing this process automatically, it is enough to be fed with the information correctly, making the HR team more agile and productive, freeing up time for the more complex stages of the selection.

Pay attention to company adherence

More and more people have been talking about the importance of maintaining the organizational culture, since it is able to motivate and, mainly, retain the best talent, promoting the consolidation of the corporate brand in the market and leveraging its profitability.

During curriculum screening, the candidate is expected to be in tune with the venture. Therefore, it is fundamental to analyze the adherence of those who propose to fill a particular position.

Once the initial selection has been made, it is feasible to conduct tests with the professionals. Again, the technology helps, since everything can be done and sent online. Thus, it is possible to know who has the desired profile to fill the position.

In addition, the platform feature allows all results to be saved, both for monitoring and for comparison. In this way, you can have as much information as possible, helping to make the decision about hiring.

Use the video features in step

After completing all of these steps, there will remain some options with strong potential. However, it is still necessary to define who is the most appropriate and, for that, nothing better than an interview.

Until recently, the face-to-face meeting was the only way to assess the candidate’s resourcefulness and ask direct questions. However, technology resources currently allow for video interviews.

Through them, it is possible to speak to professionals from a distance, avoiding travel and greatly reducing costs, which facilitates hiring in branches and people who would like to move cities.

In addition to establishing the first contact with the most adherent candidates to the profile that the company needs, the video interview is a very efficient way that HR has to clarify possible doubts and even apply online tests, analyzing the reactions of the professional during the process.

By incorporating video conferencing during curriculum screening it will be possible to add relevant information to the candidate’s registration in the system, which will make it easier to choose the ideal profile.

By associating this with a good platform, it is possible to record the interviews so that several members of the recruiting team and especially the leader of the vacant sector can discuss the performance of the candidates at an appropriate time, knowing the desirable aspects and what still leaves in doubt about the choice.

Finally, after this step, the screening is complete. The process can be finalized with personal interviews and, finally, hiring.

Curriculum screening is the first contact the company has with market professionals. From it, it is possible to analyze several factors, for example, if the vacancy was divulged correctly, what was the scope, what type of profiles was reached was correct or not. Through these data, HR can measure whether your process is adequate or needs adjustments.

The Human Resources manager needs to understand and act so that all methods present continuous improvement. In this way, the team must be formed by professionals engaged, motivated, always open to new trends and technologies. They must be trained and trained to improve human resource practices, transforming the industry into a high-performance, strategic area, increasing the credibility and effectiveness of the team.

This article was written so that the HR area understands the importance of excellent curriculum screening and how effective it is to ensure the selection of the best talent for the company. With the choice of appropriate software and the use of video interviews, this process is able to reduce time, costs and increase the perfection of the procedures.

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