Artificial Intelligence and HR: see what the advantages are

The relationship in between Artificial Intelligence and HR is already a reality in the corporate sector. Today, it is possible to use a variety of technology resources at every stage – from the selective process to the retention of talent – to ensure more accurate results and achieve departmental goals.

This technology also presents a cognitive capacity, that is, it is able to solve questions and problems with a kind of reasoning, simulating the activity of the human mind.

Interested in the subject? In this article, you will see how the use of AI can bring concrete and advantageous output to HR, also understanding how this technology can be applied. Keep reading and check it out!

Evaluates details in the recruitment and selection process

Probably, the main demand that uses this relationship between Artificial Intelligence and HR is the process of recruitment and selection – undoubtedly a very relevant work to companies.

It is at this point that important decisions are made about who will be the next to hold a position in the company. Therefore, the choice must be precise. A traditional selection, however, made only by people, is always subject to subjectivities. And these little interferences may already be enough for a good talent not to be captured.

During the selection process, in addition to identifying the best candidates, it is necessary to eliminate those who do not have the desired profile for the vacancy. In an interview, these people can use efficient oratorical resources, having a great power of persuasion. This is not bad faith, but an efficient positioning, even if they are not who the company seeks.

In this sense, even for an experienced and qualified HR professional, it is unfeasible to have to deal with all of this and still hit hard on capturing a talent. AI technology then emerges to support HR, offering features that can make that assessment deeper. This is done based on interview data and a humanly impossible reading.

Machine learning

One of the main features that approach Artificial Intelligence and HR is machine learning. It is a simple technology that analyzes data to provide insights and development information to companies.

When applied in the recruitment and selection process, this feature creates standards with the qualifications and competencies the company needs, followed by an accurate and refined online search. A manual analysis of this data would undoubtedly be laborious and would require a time that is not in the corporate environment.

The same can be done as the selection process unfolds. All the data generated in the following steps are analyzed by machine learning, which offers a deeper reading of them, helping HR to have a complete understanding of each candidate.

Video interview analysis

The cognitive power of AI resources also allows better analysis based on the audiovisual.

Many companies today opt for video interviews, for example, using behavioral analysis technologies in the records captured in that contact. Thus, the AI resource assesses speech, body language, the tone of voice and a host of other characteristics of the candidate, offering deeper and more systematized data.

Undoubtedly, the material generated with this is of great support to the professionals when evaluating the behavior of the candidates.

Identifies important guidelines for training

Training employees and developing their skills is another great demand for the Human Resources sector. For this, it is necessary to identify in an efficient way the most important guidelines for these pieces of training, besides general difficulties and points that need improvement.

When Artificial Intelligence and HR resources are aligned, there is a constant analysis of the company’s results, as well as the evaluation of the employees’ performance. This allows you to understand what is working and what needs improvement.

Thus, based on solid information, HR is able to develop effective training, as well as being able to evaluate and measure its results in the future.

Help in developing leaders

Just as employees are often evaluated to reach their peak performance, leaders and managers need to keep on improving. This influences everyone around you – especially those below the corporate hierarchy.

In this regard, AI technology support offers these professionals the ability to accurately assess both themselves and their employees. Thus, as well as in recruitment, subjectivities are minimized because of the full data analysis that is offered.

Help in retention of talent

It is worth saying that the alignment between Artificial Intelligence and HR can still be used to act in relation to the reduction of turnover rates of the company.

We know that the high turnover of employees is harmful in several points: more costs, loss of good talent, difficulty adapting to the organizational culture, among others. By using AI technologies, however, the company can understand the level of satisfaction of its employees, their development and their difficulties. So you can understand the relationship they have with their position.

All this is possible because of the evaluation of the data that the employee generates working, understanding his level of productivity – and, if it is low, if there is a relation with some dissatisfaction or personal problem. This concern and support make all the difference, being fundamental in retaining employees.

Enables the creation of an organizational culture

The organizational culture brings in itself methods, habits and behaviors that are understood and defined as ideal for the business. In order for it to be maintained, then, long-term work is needed, in addition to employee collaboration.

In this sense, Artificial Intelligence basically supports two fundamental steps:

  • The identification of methods and customs that will bring better results to the company;
  • The capture of talents who adhere to it without major problems.

Thus, it is possible to implement and preserve the company’s internal culture, creating an environment that is both conducive to good results and satisfactory for its employees.

As we have seen so far, Artificial Intelligence and HR are increasingly related, even though some of these technologies are still starting to come in. In the long run, it will certainly be impossible to give up these resources that can increase efficiency.

So, did you like this post? Are you looking for a solution to give you support in managing the recruitment and selection processes of your company? Bravens Inc can help you! Contact us and learn more about our services.